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Destination : Visiting Socotra, Yemen

Updated: Jun 16, 2022

Before you start reading, also take a look at our Instagram stories and reels from Socotra which you can find by clicking below :

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Where is Socotra?

It's an island in the Indian Ocean close to Yemen and Somalia. It has a unique fauna and flora and is know for its dragon blood trees.

Is it safe?

Socotra is part of Yemen, the travel advice is thus Do No travel from most countries. Socotra however was never part of the Yemen conflict and far from the mainland. They have never been in war, at the same moment we were in Socotra, multiple people were shot in New York.. . . I do not consider Socotra unsafe and we never felt unsafe. It's advised to check safety the situation before you fly offcourse.

There are alot of tourists traveling atleast during our trip over 100 people on the plane were tourists.

When to go?

Tourist season starts usually from October till May. The best time to go seems January and February as the island is more green and cooler. Should you visit in April or May the Bottle trees are in Bloom which is pretty also.

Outside the tourist season Socotra has more rain and it is very windy which chance to have cyclones.

How to get there?

There are 2 weekly flights

One flight from Cairo via Yemen Mainland (Yemenia Airways)

One flight from Abu Dhabi (Air Arabia)

Highly advise to take the flight from Abu Dhabi to avoid any issues on the mainland.

The schedule changes often. It's recommended to not book flights close to your departure or arrival. Our flight was originally at 5am but eventually rescheduled to 11 am.

Note : For the Air Arabia flight before check-in proceed to the desk for passport and ticket check first in Abu Dhabi. They will check your name vs the booked passengers list.

The seating on the flight seems random thus likely you'll all be in airplane seats far from each other.

Note : Passengers who need a visa for the UAE have to make sure to have a visa for the return flight also. Ideally you reserve a multi entry visa for the UAE to facilitate your return to Abu Dhabi from Socotra.

Note : Socotra airport offers limited services in the departure hall. You are allowed to take water and food in the departure area. Before you board the plane there is another security check in which you need to throw your water away if you have it still. There are toilets, a/c and a small snack bar (but it was closed when we departed thus no food or drinks available. There is no WIFI in the airport.

How to book flights?

Flights can not be booked online, the flights are chartered by Emirates Aviation Service in Dubai and are humanitarian flights. To book a flight or contact them please contact us we can get you in touch with them, alternatively book with any Socotra travel agency they will book the tickets for you. It can take multiple days to get confirmation of your booking. Flights fill up quickly thus reserve well in advance.

Bear in mind that you need a Yemen visa also to enter Socotra and you likely need a tour agency for that.

Where to stay?

Most of the tours will do camping trips. There are only a few hotels in Hadiboh (main hotel are Summerland and Taj) and one close to the airport (Heathrow Hotel, container like accommodation but newer).

How are the camping facilities?

Most places except for Arher have shower and toilet facilities. Expect very basic, usually not so clean facilities. Facilities near beaches such as Detwhah have are outdoors which are usually cleaner. At Arher there are no facilities, there is a fresh water stream for washing.

Can I stay at hotels and not camp?

While in theory it is possible as none of the mayor sightseeing locations is more than 2 hours from Hadiboh, it would be a lot of driving. If you don't like camping some agencies offer a mix of camping and hotel/chalet stay. Camping locations are often near beautiful areas and sunsets and sunrises are unforgettable.

A hotel review of the Summerland Hotel can be found Here

Do I need a visa?

Yes, if you book with a tour agency they'll apply for it. It's really easy (just a copy of the passport needed and a booked flight).

You receive the visa a few days only before departure. Check the details carefully, they have mistakes, however it seems they will still let you board with small mistakes.

I believe people with Israeli stamps should not consider traveling but verify this with your agency.

Upon request, your passport will not be stamped on arrival. You will receive a visa on a separate paper.

Do I need insurance?

It is recommended to have a good insurance, as you noticed many do not cover Yemen. Read your policy carefully and look what is covered. Some travellers have used global rescue. While their cover seems good it's yet to be seen if anything happens they actually honour their commitment off course. There is limited Healthcare provided by the UAE/Saudi hospitals.

Can I use my phone?

There is a limited 3g and phone coverage around the airport and Hadiboh. The rest of Socotra has very few phone reception. Network is provided by local, UAE or Saudi networks.

What is the food like? Hellosocotra provided for all food either by cooking themself of by eating at restaurants in Hadiboh. The food is usually bread/rice and fish however the cook of our group was excellent and also made on some days spaghetti, fries and much more! None of us got sick from eating food at any point. Tap water is not drinkable and bottles are provided.

What agency should I choose?

There a many agencies I can give our impression of some we met or contacted :

We used Hellosocotra. They were the most flexible as they have small groups and offer a combination of camping and hotel stay if you want. Run partially by an Australian - Yemeni

Should you want to use them you can book it through their website by using code DWT you will receive a 10% discount.

Welcomesocotra : bigger groups of 10+, camping only. They do seem to have more extensive sightseeing and visit more places. Run partially by an Italian.

Socotra Trip : Offers a combination of Camping and staying in chalets, they have their own accommodation for the nights you dont camp. They seems to be very instagram minded. Have branded nice cars. More expensive option, also has options to fly an ultra light helicopter, surf and others. Partially run by a Spanish Lady.

There are plenty of other agencies which we didn't meet or contacted and might be great also!

Can I take a drone?

There a no rules regarding drones in Yemen. Drones are forbidden in Egypt, don't take them if you fly that route. We didn't not have issues with our drone in the UAE but it's technically not allowed unless you have a permit to fly it. If you don't plan to fly in the UAE there are no rules for importing it but considering you can buy drones in many stores in the UAE I believe it's not an issue.

Please if you fly in Socotra your drone don't fly over Military areas, check points, Hadiboh or villages and mosques. Respect the locals privacy!

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