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A Week on St Helena

Updated: May 3, 2023

Our stay at St Helena was wonderful and with this post we try to help future travellers find and enjoy this wonderful Island. We rented a car which I believe is a MUST! There are different people you can rent a car from, you can find them on the St Helena tourism website. Our car was rented from Patrick Anderson, nice car (Yes not new but it's an isolated island). We have zero complaints about the car, if you're interested in renting one contact him directly or we can give you his contact details just let us know in the comments.

We stayed at Mantis which we believe is by far the best Hotel on the Island. There are a few other more budget options available.

A room review from Mantis can be found on our website also.

Alot of information can be found on the Tourism website

Flights operate once weekly on Saturday from Johannesburg. It is highly recommended to arrive the day before you fly to St Helena in Johannesburg because if you miss your flight the next one is in a week...

Tickets can be bought on


The lovely little capital of the island. Some noteworthy things to know. Shops aren't open alot, neither restaurants. The biggest supermarket is the Star which opens at 9 and usually closed in the early afternoon. There are some smaller supermarkets which were open occasionally in the evening. The same goes for restaurants, we couldn't figure out the schedule so we ate often at Mantis.


One of the main reasons to visit St Helena is it's history, Napoleon is obviously a big part of that.

Finding Napoleons house and Tomb is easy and well signed so you will not get lost.

Be aware that the opening times of Longwood House are limited (11am-1pm) and you can not take pictures inside.

Whale Shark Watching

We did a trip by boat and were able to swim with them.

It's best to visit the Blue Lantern to arrange a trip when you are on the island.


You can get information about the trails and anything else at the tourism office when you arrive which is across the Star supermarket. It opens only during weekdays.

The map on the Tourism website is helpful but the guides with descriptions how to find the trails was often confusing or wrong. We have added below some additional guidance.

A map regarding drone zones can be found on the same website

Lemon Valley Trail

This trail is relatively easy to find. It starts at the blue circle. There is parking space at the green area. The trail goes downhill to the beach but that also means the way back is all the way uphill.

Blue Point

Drive into the direction of Blue point on Google maps. Google will guide you till where the green line starts roughly, there is a gravel track not marked as a road on maps, drive on this track (doable with a regular car). Drive till the track gets too rough, park and leave on the trail at the blue circle. It's the nicest trail and relatively easy. Some parts have fences with benches through them, you're supposed to climb over the fence with the bench to continue the trail, do not walk around them.

Lots wife's pond's

Type into google maps, Sandy Bay Beachfort. Drive till where the green stops below. You will find the sign for the trail. You need to get ac#cross the beach or the area where supposed to be a river was. The trail starts at the blue circle. Be careful swimming at Lots ponds as the stones are slippery and the sea rough. Some parts of the trail are narrow and have ropes to hold on to. The trail had some Boobie birds which are nesting around their habitats can be seen by the big white circles of bird poop.

Manati Bay

The Same road as to Blue Point however instead of turning onto the gravel track on your left you continue on the road that is already on google maps till you can not drive anymore as the road becomes more grassy. The trail is marked from there.

Peak dale

This trail is easy to find and connected to the main roads from two sides.

It's a long trail but an easy path.

The area around Millennium forest we saw the St Helena Plover.

On the way to Peak Dale, Blue Point, Manati bay from Jamestown You will likely pass at the Clifford Arboretum which is a very green pretty part on the island that is worth a short stop.

Dianas peak

Easy to find and marked on google map. It was closed on our visit thus we can’t comment on this trail.


We didn’t find plenty of stations, we used the one below which is easy to find on google maps.


There is a bank in Jamestown. Also on the day you arrive the bank at the airport will be open. You can exchange ZAR, GBP, EUR and USD. Additionally you can use your card to get money.


A simcard can be bought at the airport shop.

It is very expensive to use data and we found it has limited coverage on the island to call or use data.

People on St Helena a friendly and helpful however due to the small population and isolation you don't often see people on trails or around them thus I hope this guidance helps. Google maps has been a great tool even without mobile internet to navigate on the island.

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